Action Art: (v) spontaneously placing paint on an canvas. Emphasizing the physical act of painting is the essential aspect of the finished work.
Here is a sneak peak at the work of Action Artist Matt Cheney who will be showing with Glovebox in April. Mark your calendar for Friday, April 9, 2010. This is a show you don't want to miss!
Cheney's recent work (shown below) was done in the woods near Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. "To keep these pieces as natural as possible I used iron powder on canvas and a mild acid to speed the oxidization process, giving it the rust effect." Cheney explained, he added that he found materials for the painting while hiking -- one example is finding elements to create the red "paint."
"The red paint on the tree bonk is made from beets. I enjoy the idea of being rough with the canvas and that the nature of these materials will change with time."
For those of you wondering what the heck a tree bonk is: (snowboarding): To hit something (especially a tree) with one's snowboard, especially while in the air. Check it out below-
Paint Bonk from MATT CHENEY on Vimeo.